Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cabelas compression coolmax socks ( Tough or bluff?)

Cabela's has put a number of items on the market and here I have tested there compression coolmax socks. These socks are for hiking and everyday comfort. They are supposed to increase blood flow to your feet and provide extended comfort throughout the day. Here I am going to break down how these socks stood up to the Tough Gear criteria.

DURABILITY :( B+) Having hiked in these socks for days on end i can personally say that they stood up to my abuse. I put them through creek after creek, mile after mile, down mountain sides of skeet and back up again. They are very comfortable and will keep your feet dry and snug. One thing that i found them very helpful is when my wool socks got wet i could put this pair over them and wear them around camp and they could wick the moisture away from my wool socks and then dry out quite fast themselves. They are a great pair of sturdy socks and therefore receive a Tough Gear Durability Grade of (B+).

AFFORDABILITY: (B) This pair of socks is great however with many other pairs of socks on the market I found them to be a little pricey. They are constructed of synthetic materials that will keep your foot insulated when wet and do offer extreme comfort. There are sock systems out there for a better price. But if you are the person that can get away with wearing one sock these are cost effective and nice to have on a long packing trip. I would recommend having at least three pairs. Standard price is around $14.99. However they are about in the middle of the price range for hiking socks and come with the Cabelas know name for quality. Therefore they receive a Tough Gear Affordability Grade of a (B).

PACKABILITY: (A) This pair of socks dries out extremely fast and will there for not soak your pack. When wet they are easy to tie on the outside of your pack and will often dry within 20 minutes. I have found that if you are going to keep them inside your pack make sure to keep them inside a nice small dry bag or plastic bag. Do this because they tend to draw moister, but i guess that shows there extremely strong wicking ability. Therefore they receive a Tough Gear Packability Grade of an (A).

VERSITILITY :( A) The cabelas coolmax material is highly versatile. Its ability to insulate when wet makes it great for hiking where you are getting your feet wet. I had some cold nights with my sleeping bag not doing quite the best job. I had to put on all my cloths and three pairs of these socks and they defiantly allowed to me to fall back asleep and recharge for the next day. Therefore they receive a Tough Gear Versatility Grade of an (A).

Overall this pair of socks performed very well in the backcountry and front country. They held their ground in cold, wet, and dry environments and also stood up to the consistent day to day vigor’s of the Yukon wilderness. This is a great pair of socks and I would recommend them to anyone. Therefore they receive a Tough Gear Grade of (B+).

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