Learning to travel in the Backcountry

We all know that traveling in the back country can be an amazing experience but also can be dangerous.  There are multiple schools that are out there where you can learn the ropes while traveling with trained professionals. This new page on Tough Gear is dedicated to teaching you how to plan for an expedition and also go about in the back country safely.

Here is the Link to the National Outdoor Leadership School. They teach you to travel and backpack in the Wilderness. Although quite expensive they offer scholarships and may affordable options. And for those that in your life you will be doing a lot of back country travel these trips are priceless.


This is one example of some of the places you will be able to see. Yukon, Canada

For those interested in Back country Medicine NOLS has an amazing Wilderness medicine program where you will learn how to take care of medical emergencies with only the basic supplies!
While on my trip in the Yukon I learned alot on how to manage, prevent, and treat medical situations. Personally I have my first responder and the amount of important information gained by taking one of these course can flip the way you see back country safety now!! Truly beneficial