Thursday, December 27, 2012

Creating a Micro-climate for Protection

Creating a micro-climate between your skin and the environment is not only important but it is critical to protecting ones self from harsh weather.
STEP ONE: know the climate and environment in which you will be traveling.

  • Heat..Sun(UV rays)
  • Cold
  • Moist
  • freezing
  • Wind
  • Water travel
STEP TWO: Get a price range on what you want to spend and keep your options open for multi-             use clothing.  Buying UN-needed gear can prove costly and heavy. For weight conscious travelers light weight designs are available however be sure to balance durability, packability, and the versatility of the  clothing item.         

STEP THREE: Pick and choose a layering system that will allow versatility and also be the most comfortable.

An outer shell of Gore-Tex can create a buffer between your inner clothing and extremes outside that will protect you during back country traveling. It will stop wind and also create a water-proof barrier. You will want to have a moisture wicking base layer such as nylon or polyester and be sure not to use Cotton as it doesn't insulate when wet. For a basic system I prefer a fleece pullover followed by a heavier polar-tec fleece zip up under the Gore-Tex outer jacket. Regardless of preferences you will need to be sure that your layers you are packing can do the job of trapping in body heat and wick moisture. If you are traveling in warm climates you will want the moisture wicking properties combined with UV protection. Over all use your brain and instincts when buying high priced items and do plenty of research. Best of luck!!! TG 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Back Country Knives

Weather you are traveling in a remote National Park or just a short hunting trip in the near by state park you need to be sure to have the best equipment available. I will be testing several knives that are from a diverse array of companies and products. The products and companies will be released when I am done with the testing but be sure to do your own research on them before buying. As well they will be available for sale directly from my website for the first time. Make sure you understand what you want and most importantly need out of your knife before you start shopping around. This will ensure less time in the store and decrease the risk of buying a product that is unreliable. Even though name brands such as Gerber, Winchester, and Buck have the market cornered but that doesent mean there isnt a home town knife maker that has products that supercede any commercial bought Item.

Best Wishes this Holiday year and Merry Christmas
Tough Gear